Sunday, December 15, 2013

Rewire your Brain aka The Winner's Bible

This book is going to change my life! 
For the better!

I was going to blog about it under my graphic sketchnote blog but then I decided it would take too long for one posting. Furthermore I perceive that these changes will be a life long process : hence this separate blog, with many postings .

Get a copy of the book if you can.
But my ramblings upon it will be extensive and suffice for those of you who can not get the book.

First, some comments about the tittle: There are three titles I can find to this book.

1) The Winners Bible,  aka TWB: 
that sure is catchy. 

Conservative Christians (like me) may take objection to the word "Bible" as that is linked to the Holy Bible. The English word "Bible" comes from bíblia in Latin and bíblos in Greek. The term means book. But in common usage "Bible" is used for authoritative book on any topic. So this book promises to help you be a winner. and I believe it can.

2) The subtitle is "Rewire your brain for permanent change"
The book offers to guide you do that: and I believe you can.

3) The third title is found and explained in Ch 26: The Limbic Master
Short summary: The Limbic system is the part of the brain that handles raw emotions: anger, fear, passions, lust: When we become Limbic masters we do not let the Limbic system control us, but override it for higher purpose. Retiring your brain means training your thinking part of the brain to control the Limbic system.

So this is the first page of my sketch notes to the book: the book stretches to 29 chapters: very readable; entertaining, instructive, inspiring, well written.

There are 10 subtopics in Chapter One

The first identifies why many self help books for self improvement FAIL

This is because of the GAP between theory and practice 
So this book will guide you step by step (to be a winner)

The second identifies that many "self helps" are sets of rules, general principles .
TWB differes for it guides you to develop your own 20 page "Winners Bible" that you read every day (not every page)

The third identifies how the human brain is NOT like a single computer CPU (central processing unit)
But in fact the human brain functions like several different dependent and interdependent "brains"
Some are sub-conscious 

The fourth depicts our concious logical brain pat as oars that paddle visiblly and the uncouncous emotions hidden under the surface. 
When the visible and invisible are NOT aligned, we lose control of direction.
When they are aligned we have good control of direction.

The fifth is a concrete example that "nature is not always the best"
That following our natural sense and inclination may not be the best for us: 
I range eivnseherp omcat may give us wrong information.

The sixth develops the approach of this book to provide a toolbox of a comprehensive range of skills for you to choose according to the various situations you are in.

The seventh compares toos to the simplistic 'six rules' for winners.

The eighth states for every rule there is a counter rule.
So sometimes the opposite applies.
Eg Never give up
Vs know when to quit.
The key is to know when to apply and when to change
TWB guides you in this.

The ninth alludes to the rich tapestry of imagery,allegories and stories that keeps this book dynamically alive. Eg pomegranate (see chapter 10)

The tenth (last) subsection of the first chapter focuses on what it means to be a winner.

Kerry identifies a winner as a person who leads a full rich life.
Experiencing life more real than real, multi-dimensional is a learnable skill of understanding and seeing the world through wiser eyes: genuine inner peace and contentment : positively impacting everyone you come in contact with.

So exciting was this book to me that I planned to read one chapter at a time , make Sketchnotes of it, and put it into practice . 
I want to be a winner.
I want you to be a winner.
This is the wholistic life that we teach and talk about in our community development outreach ministry.

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